Stewardship: A Sustainable spirit
As Parishioners of Saint James it is within our Response-Ability to care, protect and nurture the “gracious gifts” of our faith, hope and love set at the service of all. Please remember to continue your financial support of the work of the church. There are three ways to do this:
Option 1
During the Offertory at Mass or Online Giving or Text to Give1.- Online Giving:
If you have set up your offerings to be done online you can do so through our parish App and through our website. Click below on: online giving picture or on the stewardship
Option.2.- Text to Give:Send "give"to 305-306-8068 Enter anount and Folow the link to register for Online Giving.
*For return parishioners: Send "give, Text the amount and Confirm.
Option 3.- Check Mailing or Drop Offs:Parish Office Address: 540 NW 132nd St, North Miami Florida 33168Thank you for supporting us during these difficult times and may God continue to bless you!